miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Plus One: amor en las estrellas + sorteo

Por fin puedo presentaros de forma oficial un libro del que me he encaprichado ferozmente. Por eso lo elegí de premio para la primera fase de mi dieta de libros ;o) Tenía intención de traeros un artículo de la autora, pero ha tenido mucho trabajo y no ha sido posible. ¡Qué pena! En fin, tendremos que conformarnos con un extracto de la novela y un sorteo.

¿A que la portada es fascinantemente hermosa?
Amor imposible y aventura en un mundo antagónico de día y noche separados por la ley

Elizabeth Fama
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
Date of Publication: April 8, 2014

Divided by day and night and on the run from authorities, star-crossed young lovers unearth a sinister conspiracy in this compelling romantic thriller.

Seventeen-year-old Soleil Le Coeur is a Smudge—a night dweller prohibited by law from going out during the day. When she fakes an injury in order to get access to and kidnap her newborn niece—a day dweller, or Ray—she sets in motion a fast-paced adventure that will bring her into conflict with the powerful lawmakers who order her world, and draw her together with the boy she was destined to fall in love with, but who is also a Ray. 

Set in a vivid alternate reality and peopled with complex, deeply human characters on both sides of the day-night divide, Plus One is a brilliantly imagined drama of individual liberty and civil rights, and a fast-paced romantic adventure story.

About the author...

Elizabeth Fama is the author of Plus One (FSG, 2014), Monstrous Beauty (FSG, 2012), a YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults selection and Odyssey Award honor winner, and Overboard (Cricket Books, 2002), an ALA Best Books for Young Adults. She is represented by Sara Crowe of Harvey Klinger, Inc.


Soon the sky had become a blanket of stars; and then it became heavy, bulging down on us, so thick it was like soup that I might reach up and stir with my hand if I tried. And finally, to my relief, Cygnus the Swan and the Great Summer Triangle began to emerge from the cosmos with the faint, cloudy dragon spine of the edge of our galaxy.

“Oh my god, is that the Milky Way?” he whispered.

My throat got hot. It was the most beautiful thing I could ever have hoped to show him. I could be grateful for one thing that night.

“You’re a brave guy,” I said, my voice cracking just to make sure I felt like an idiot.

“Why do you say that?”

“It took me ten years not to wad my body into a tight ball every time I saw the Milky Way.”

He burst out laughing. It was too loud. Night people don’t belly laugh outside of their homes. He really was a Ray. I shushed him.

He laughed again, but softer, and then turned his head to-ward me and said in a low, smiling voice, “A ball?”

“Four hundred billion suns spiraling through space together. Our solar system just one grain on that galactic carousel. The carousel itself a speck in the cosmos. And here I am in this small clearing, on the surface of the earth, as transient and un-noticed to the universe as the dry blades of grass that are poking into my shirt. It’s too much to comprehend up there, too enormous, and I’m so small when it’s on top of me. It frightens me, like I’m being crushed.”

I could feel him staring at me, although it was almost pitch-black around us, as I poured out my childish thoughts. After a moment he said, “Holy cow, Plus One.”

“What?” I said defensively.

He settled his head in the cradle of his arms again and refused to answer. Then he said, “Here on earth, where it counts . . . you’re not unnoticed.”

Sorteo / Giveaway Time

Me tienta muchísimo ese aire de Romeo y Julieta en las estrellas. ¿Qué pensáis vosotras?

Babel entre el día y la noche.

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Acoso Mortal: crónica de un libro y su creadora

Siempre da gusto asistir a eventos literarios y resulta casi milagroso cuando la autora protagonista es extranjera. Pamela Clare se pasó por Madrid para presentar ACOSO MORTAL, un thriller de acción y romance a partes iguales que arrastra seguidores apasionados pues algunos se habían trasladado para verla en persona desde Galicia.

La autora contaba su gran pasión por las armas a las que conoce al dedillo. Ella misma guarda una en casa para su protección, a lo que añadió un pasado de abusos que ha debido influir poderosamente en su vida personal y en la trayectoria de su carrera literaria.

Comparte su interés por las armas con su hijo mayor, quien ha ganado premios de tiro. Parte del proceso de documentación para las novelas incluye consultar con expertos como policías, marshals, seals y militares. Ninguno tiene compulsión alguna para soltar sus trucos y sabiduría ante los ávidos oídos de una mujer que sabe trasladar el realismo brutal y profesional de estas vidas tanto a sus personajes como a las trepidantes tramas de sus thrillers.

El editor presentó brevemente a la escritora para no robar tiempo a la charla, ya que la intérprete requería su tiempo a la hora de traducir del inglés. Con un estilo muy abierto y directo, al igual que su narración siempre anclada en los tiempos actuales, Pamela habló de sus libros y cuánto solía tardar en escribirlos. Comentó que la primera parte de Acoso Mortal necesitó diecisiete meses de investigación y escritura, mientras que la segunda parte tan sólo llevó un mes.

En cuanto a la novela en sí, trata temas de política internacional y acciones militares en territorio peligroso. Los protagonistas son fuertes, pero atraviesan situaciones límite. Él es un héroe que renuncia a su carrera para estar en condiciones de rescatar a la mujer que ama. Ella ha sufrido traumas terribles a manos de una cultura extraña, pero lucha hasta el final por salvarse a sí misma y por enfrentarse a terroristas vengativos. Además, es todo un dramón ya que la protagonista tiene un secreto que dota a la historia de gran profundidad emocional. 

La trama está llena de acción, con descripciones muy realistas y vívidas, y romance de alto voltaje. Un thriller para esos momentos en que apetece "leer una película".

¿Habéis tenido la oportunidad de leer las novelas de Pamela Clare? ¿Cuál es la última presentación a la que acudisteis?

Babel en acción.

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Buffet de novelas y sorteos - giveaway time!

Buenos días, arrebatadores :o) ¿Preparados para una semanita corta/larga/rara? Para empezar con buen sabor de boca, aquí van unas novedades de una de mis editoriales digitales favoritas ;o) ¡Y vienen con tesoros!

Esas dos imágenes que veis ahí arriba es para que sepáis que cualquiera de ellas me representa por esos mundos de internet. He cambiado un poco a mi brujilla, antes tenía un texto un poco provocativo (como yo) pero he decidido eliminarlo y plantarle la be de Babel, como debe ser. La niña de los pelos gigantes y la mirada gótica se parece a mí, así que va al pelo XD


Edge, a digital-first single-title romance line from Entangled Publishing, takes its lead from their popular Select imprint but gives its novels an edge in the marketplace by bringing great stories to readers at reasonable prices in a quick-and-easy way. Whether sexy or sweet, traditional romance or love and lust with a women’s fiction bent, at the center of every Edge book is heart. From Urban Fantasy to Contemporary Romance to Science Fiction Romance, Edge has a book for all romance readers—and right at their fingertips! As they say, all’s fair in love and war. To find out more about their titles, chat with authors, participate in special events, and to find out what books are coming next, visit the Entangled website, follow them on Twitter, and like their Facebook page.

Today I'm happy to be featuring Edge's April 28th releases!!

Night Child by Lisa Kessler
Night #4

Special $0.99 Introductory Price For One Week ONLY!

Find Out More!

Issa is one of the original Night Walkers, a proud protector of the mortal world. Now, when the key to the survival of the entire Night Walker race rests on protecting an unborn child, Issa is the only immortal strong enough to defend Muriah and the prophecy. But Muriah’s headstrong spirit and soulful eyes awaken feelings in him that are best left buried. When the Egyptian God of Chaos sstrikes, Muriah and Issa must find the lost scrolls to trap him. But as the battle between love and chaos ensues, sacrifices must be made…


Call of the Siren by Rosalie Lario
Demons of the Infernum #4 

Special $0.99 Introductory Pricing!

Find Out More!

Siren-demon hybrid bounty hunter Dagan Meyers swore he'd never settle down. Tying himself to one woman is so not his bag. Until he meets the gorgeous angel Lina, and can’t think of being with anybody BUT her. The last thing Lina wants is to develop feelings for the smooth-talking man she knows will eventually leave her. But as they battle a growing darkness—a powerful dark fae who’s harnessed untold power—Dagan and Lina find that love may be their greatest weapon against the evil that threatens to destroy them all.


Angel Kin by Tricia Skinner
Angel Assassins #1

Special $0.99 Introductory Pricing!

Find Out More!

When a beautiful woman comes to The Bound Ones, half-angel assassin Cain is immediately drawn to her. But when Katie fingers him as the killer, he can come to only one conclusion. His twin, who he thought was dead, is very much alive…and sending him a message. Unfortunately, that message is: “You’re next.” Now, with Katie’s life in his hands, Cain must fight to keep them both alive. But Abel has just one goal: destroy his brother, starting with the woman he’s falling in love with.


Just A Kiss by Ally Broadfield

Novella Only $0.99!

Charlotte Lightwood has one season to find a husband or she'll be forced to marry her guardian's loathsome cousin. With no title or dowry, she doesn't have much hope of making a good match. Sebastian Wilkinson, the Earl of Marley, has been the most eligible bachelor on the marriage mart for more years than he cares to count and is very aware of his duty to marry a woman who will add to the wealth and stature of his title. Sebastian makes Charlotte an offer she can't refuse: he will pretend to court her to help her attract more suitors in exchange for her advice about which ladies he should pursue. As they work together, their mutual attraction grows. When they realize they just might be perfect for one another, they must decide whether to bow to the dictates of society or follow their hearts.


The Demon Lord by Paula Altenburg
Demon Outlaws #2.5

Novella Only $0.99!

Find Out More!

The Demon Lord has conquered the mortal world and sampled its pleasures. Now all he needs is to conquer the goddess who is meant to complete him. The goddess Allia, however, has other plans. She is sent by her immortal sisters to win the heart of the Demon Lord and make him her slave but soon discovers that the Demon Lord’s heart is not easily given, and that in order to win it, she must sacrifice her own.


Hay varias novelas en este lote que me atraen, aunque próximamente os traeré la reseña de THE DEMON LORD. No soy nadie ante un torso con tanta intensidad ;o)

Babel endemoniada.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

El Club de las Lectoras con Curvas


Penosamente, la primera semana de la dieta de libros ha llegado a su conclusión. Así que toca hacer balance de daños.

Como recordaréis, el pasado lunes hice un voto de abstinencia (jajajaja, ejem) respecto a dos de mis grandes retos: la comida y la compra de libros.

Un kilo menos =  un libro más

Recibí muchos ánimos vuestros en mi empresa loca de hacer dieta (yo solita y sin supervisión) a cambio de premiarme con un libro por cada kilo perdido. Algunas os identificabais conmigo, otras me disteis consejos como cenar ensalada o salir a pasear, incluso hubo un par de vosotras que os etiquetabais en la orilla opuesta del club porque tenéis más ángulos que curvas (muy bueno el giro ;o) ).

Durante la primera semana del experimento, me he concentrado en estos objetivos humildes, sobre todo para no traumatizarme:
  1. comer moderadamente
  2. andar más
  3. cenar ligero

He tratado de evitar comer hasta tener la tripa llena, cosa que me encanta, sobre todo porque debido al trabajo paso muchas horas sin comer. Suelo caminar dos veces al día, aunque esta semana he procurado aumentar algunos paseos más. Y definitivamente las cenas han sido muy cuidadas.

Balance: 2 kilos menos

No echemos las campanas al vuelo, ese numeraco se resume más bien en retención de líquidos, hinchazón y pocos gramos más. Aún así, me siento muy satisfecha, además de un poco ligerita.

Premio anticipado: Plus One

Ésta es la belleza que me muero por tener entre las manos. En tapa dura, claro, que para eso es un premio XD Ya lo he puesto en mi lista de libros a comprar.

A partir de mañana, entro en la segunda fase. Espero poder consolidar el peso perdido y añadirle algunos gramitos más. ¿Algún otro consejo para ayudarme?

Y cuál será el siguiente premio, cuál...

Babel voluntariosa.

Plan de batalla - Semana 2
libro de premio - Tsarina
próxima actualización...

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

Pan's Conquest: un poco de mitología romántica

¿Una novela protagonizada por el dios Pan? 
Y así empezó mi lectura: mirando esos ojos verdes. 

PAN'S CONQUEST, de Aubrey Dionne, combina mitología griega con un romance que pretende ser alegre y significativo al mismo tiempo.

Comienza con el dios Pan, medio hombre medio bestia, persiguiendo a una ninfa que no se deja querer. Es su deporte favorito, pero esta vez la ninfa se resiste porque es la diosa de la castidad. Syrinx hace un pacto con otra ninfa rencorosa y celosa, por lo que pasarán muchos años antes de que Pan vuelva a tener una oportunidad de seducirla.

En el mundo humano, Syrinx es dueña de una floristería. Prepara arreglos florales de todo tipo junto a su ayudante Kaye. Un personaje que espero tenga su aventura propia en algún momento, es muy ingeniosa. Cuando un cliente rico les contrata para organizar una fiesta, sus votos de castidad empiezan a tambalearse. Lo que ella no sabe es que Pan se oculta tras el disfraz humano de Parker Thomas.

Es un romance dulce y casi casto, he echado de menos algo más de fuego tratándose de dioses griegos. Sin embargo, se concentra más en el desarrollo de la psicología de los personajes. Ambos tienen un estilo de vida que cambia poco a poco debido al amor. Syrinx cree en sus votos, en dedicarse a su tarea sin interrupciones físicas. En cambio, Pan ha vivido siempre con despreocupación y desinterés emocional. Su única meta era ser libre en los bosques y perseguir ninfas para su diversión. Hasta que vivir entre humanos cambia su apreciación de las cosas, de los sentimientos y de las conexiones. Después de todo, nunca ha tenido familia. 

Ha sido bonito leer sobre su comprensión de lo que significa querer a alguien, ya sea de forma romántica o familiar. También me ha encantado la afinidad de los dioses con la naturaleza, cómo la fauna y la flora reaccionan a su cercanía. Tiene un toque de magia y de venganza, y es una lectura sencilla que podría catalogar accesible para cualquiera que esté aventurándose a leer en inglés.

Nivel idioma: preintermedio / A2


As soon as I came across the name "Pan", I knew I wanted to read about his tryst. Well, it turned up to be much more than that. This sweet, loving romance delves with getting to know oneself as much as the object of desire and, ultimately, being able to love on many levels.

Pan is a lady's man, or should I say nymph's man? He's unconcerned with deep feelings, caring only for the moment. Until one nymph, and goddess of chastity, escapes his wanton attention. Undaunted by her fleeing to the world of humans, he takes on a new persona. He becomes a man who hires a florist.

From that premise, and the ensuing funny situations, the story that develops is full of longing and character evolution. I loved the fact that Pan and Syrinx fight their own nature trying to understand what is that they want beyond what is expected from them. Even though the attraction between them is strong, the physical description of their encounters manages to be both sensual and mild. Nothing to scare anyone, but warm enough to be enticing and lovely.

I also liked all the mythology touches, the very funny Kaye who works at the flower shop (I hope to be seeing her story next), and the heart-warming relationship that comes up between Pan/Parker and his mysterious butler. 

In a nutshell
A life-changing romance with great evolution for the characters, sweet sensuality and a touch of mythology that brings smiles and surprises aplenty. A perfect read if you're craving nice, cozy, softly sensual romance on the brink of paranormal.



Check out the tour page for the full list of tour stops.

Pan's Conquest by Aubrie Dionne Published: Feb 24th, 2014 by Entangled Covet Page Count: 153
Syrinx pulled a fast one on Pan to escape his raging lust. The God of Chastity wasn't about to break her vows and succumb to his temptations. Transported to the twenty-first century, she runs a florist shop - fulfilling her fake, mortal life. Until the breathtaking Parker Thomas hires her to decorate his grand estate for a gala. Five hundred roses? Easy enough. Except Parker makes her feel things she can't ignore...
As the God of Fertility, Pan is used to maidens flocking in droves to his pastures. So when Syrinx denies him, he's determined to win the one that got away. He poses as a mortal to get close to her, but he doesn't count on falling hard for his conquest - hard enough to make a life and stay.
But Syrinx is falling in love with a man that doesn't exist. Can Pan hide his identity forever, or will the truth tear them apart?

Aubrie Dionne About the Author...

Aubrie Dionne is an author and flutist in New England. Her books have received the highest ratings from Romance Times Magazine, as well as Night Owl Reviews and Two Lips Revie
ws. She has guest blogged on the USA Today Happily Ever After Blog and the Dear Teen Me blog and signed books at the Boston Book Festival, Barnes and Noble, and the Romance Writers of America conference. Her writings have appeared in Mindflights, Niteblade, Silver Blade, Emerald Tales, Hazard Cat, Moon Drenched Fables, A Fly in Amber, and Aurora Wolf. Her books are published by Astraea Press, Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Publishing, Inkspell Publishing, Lyrical Press, and Gypsy Shadow Publishing. When she's not writing, Aubrie teaches flute and plays in orchestras.


A gorgeous necklace from Francesca's
US only
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¿Habéis leído algo de mitología últimamente, arrebatadores?

Babel con patas de cabra.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

El día que me hice fan de una escritora que desconocía + extras

La autora Jill Archer era una desconocida para mí hasta hace poco. Su trilogía no existía en mi radar. Cuando vi las portadas y leí las sinopsis, sentí cierta atracción pues la fantasía y la magia son importantes en mi carrera lectora. Aún así, no hubo ningún terremoto, no se produjo ninguna comunión cósmica. Nada vaticinaba lo que iba a pasar.

¿Recordáis esa sensación de leer un libro que conecta contigo a todos los niveles y sientes la necesidad de buscar todo lo que ha escrito ese autor? Exacto. Automáticamente, el escritor pasa a tu lista de VIPs. Se graba tu nombre en la memoria, lees su página web en busca de noticias, sus próximos libros tienen un sitio preferente en la cesta de la compra.

¡Soy fan de Jill Archer!

¿Pero por qué? 
Porque me ha dado lo que todo lector quiere
aunque no sepa expresarlo.

 ¿Tenéis alguna debilidad a la hora de elegir tema de lectura? Una de mis (muchas) debilidades es la figura de los demonios. Siempre me ha atraído, ya sea en formato malvado (lo más usual) o algo más humanizado.

En DARK LIGHT OF DAY y FIERY EDGE OF STEEL me he encontrado con una historia muy original que mezcla fantasía, demonología, magia y romance new adult, algo que no me esperaba y me ha conquistado completamente. Lo que ha hecho volar mi imaginación de las dos novelas que he leído hasta el momento es:

- una protagonista voluntariosa, sensible e inteligente

Noon procede de una familia poderosa, pero ha heredado el poder equivocado. Su magia destructora pertenece a los hombres, ella es la única mujer en poseerlo así que el secreto le acompaña a la escuela de Derecho de San Lucifer. Debe declararlo antes de su vigésimo primer cumpleaños o será una fugitiva.

- el mundo inventado por la autora está lleno de detalles creativos

La guerra entre ángeles y demonios ocurrió hace milenios, el resultado: los demonios ganaron. Sus descendientes tiene poderes mágicos y conviven junto a humanos bajo el gobierno tiránico pero disciplinado de los demonios.

- el uso de la ley como parte integral de la trama

Nunca había visto que las leyes, su estudio y su aplicación fueran un elemento tan importante en una novela de fantasía. Me ha dejado maravillada la escuela de Derecho, donde Noon y otros abogados y magistrados estudian asignaturas alucinantes como Pecado y Castigo, Manipulación, o Actos Oscuros. En las aulas, los profesores proponen casos legales para su desarrollo y aprendizaje de forma práctica por los estudiantes. Deben entrenar su poder mágico en el caso de los magistrados, pues son los únicos capaces de someter a los salvajes demonios cuando pierden el control (como los rogare o renegados, o si cometen infracciones). En cuanto a los abogados, se encargan de defender a los demonios en los litigios.

- mitología demoniaca

Los demonios son adorados como deidades que representan los ríos, la lujuria, la mentira o la naturaleza. Me parece fascinante cómo la autora ha insertado la figura de estos monstruos bíblicos en el folklore primitivo. Sus personalidades psicópatas, instintivas pero también ciegamente devotas de la ley y las normas son tan protagonistas como Noon y Ari.

- romance más allá de los besos

Noon y Ari: atracción, cautela, pero al final se compenetran, y el resultado es un romance peligroso, sensual y conmovedor. Otra sorpresa en una novela de fantasía. Todos los poseen poderes emiten un aura que es como una firma que los identifica. Informa de su fuerza, pero entre Noon y Ari sirve para que conecten emocionalmente. Es maravilloso.

- una trama enrevesada de misterio, magia, amor, ambición y buen humor

Lo tiene todo. Hay un bellísimo romance con escenas íntimas mientras Noon intenta integrarse en la escuela, aprender a controlar un poder que odia, olvidar que su contacto mata lo que está vivo como las plantas o fresco como las verduras, y elegir entre conservar su naturaleza desviada o hallar un hechizo que la libere de él. Hay muchísimos detalles que me tenían totalmente prendida de la lectura. La relación de Noon con su familia, la historia de la guerra entre demonios y ángeles, las costumbres de los territorios, la obsesión de los demonios por la ley. Hay una auténtica evolución en Noon, en su comprensión de sí misma y de lo que tiene que afrontar. Todos los personajes aportan más riqueza a la trama y a las interacciones y diálogos.

- una prosa de calidad

Esta mujer sabe lo que se hace. Se notan la inteligencia y la desbordante imaginación en cada frase. Además, ha invertido en la caracterización de sus personajes que, a estas alturas, son grandes amigos míos.

Las dos novelas están llenas de aventura, magia, sorpresas, reflexión y romance. Estoy deseando clavar mis garras en el tercer tomo: WHITE HEART OF JUSTICE. ¡Tengo que esperar un poco, pero valdrá la pena!


My thoughts

I was very excited to read about a world ruled by demons. Think about it. What happens after the Apocalypse? Nothing? A new everything? I always wondered what the world would be like. If civilization would cease to exist or if any remnants would be left behind. How would humanity face desolation by demons?

Jill Archer has crafted a world in the Noon Onyx series that is not only surviving biblical Apocalypse, but thriving in the aftermath, though in a very peculiar way.

Noon is an aberration in her society. She has waning magic, destructive powers that are male-born only. Forced to declare what she is capable of, Noon is sent by her aloof mother to a school where she must become a law-enforcer to serve demons. In the way to know herself or die in the process, she encounters blood-thirsty creatures, exhausting cramming for law classes, secretive family issues, emotional crossroads, and a dangerous liaison.

Wow, it's the first time I read a fantasy book that is also sexy as hell. It's half gripping plot, half alluring romance, and the blend is electrifying.

This post-apocalyptic, demon-oriented society comes across as compelling and full of possibilities. I was really attracted to the idea of demons wanting to be adored and willing to listen to people's pleas to gain their favour.

Knowing Halja was full of demons was one thing.
Seeing one's brutal handiwork was quite another. (pg. 37)

This quote helps define some of the most striking features of this world.  On the one hand, it's common knowledge that demons rule over everything and everyone. On the other hand, it's still a gruesome and dangerous place to live where demons rule but also prey.

Great assets: world-building, demon law and all its complex, subtle, clever ramifications. It's a unique stance to state law cases to the students at St. Lucifer's school for them to learn and practice how to cope with demons and Hyrkes' (ordinary people) transgressions.

The element of "signatures" is wonderful.  People's signatures are described akin to fire, a marble pillar or a rotten stench. I love the idea of people giving off aspects of their strength, power and personality through a kind of aura. The effect is really interesting.

Action is strategically placed, the tension of one kind or another is everywhere, and the romance is overwhelmingly addictive. There are so many things going on at the same time. No room for boredom or indifference here! Rogue demons wreaking havoc, mysterious disappearances, magic learning, social boundaries, love and betrayal and secrets... everything is masterfully merged into a rich, catchy, and emotional plot.

This book is good, good, good. I should be used to it by now. After all, I like reading and I've been doing so for most of my life, but whenever I get hooked on a book I also have this feeling of surprise. It surprises me how much I like it. It's weird. Does this happen to anyone else?


Dealing with demons, I imagined this novel would picture them as bloodthirsty beasts. Though there is enough of that to my heart's content, there's also a strong element of religious devotion built around the cults to demons. It intrigues me how territorial demons are. They symbolise a river or pregnancy, and have festivals celebrated in their honour. That infuses an ancient, earthy, primitive and very human flavour to their role in the community and in people's psyche.  I enjoyed that very much.

7 rules to enjoy Dark Light of Day

1 it's New Adult Fantasy - Don't you just feel your mind tingling with the possibilities to explore?

2 superb world-building and story telling

3 a strong, realistic evolution of the main character

4 gripping take on magic

5 (utterly) original use of law as a fantasy element

6 (unexpectedly) sexy romance

7 fascinating portrait of demons

I think this first book is a delightful, thrilling view on magic, demonology in a fantasy setting and highly arousing romance.

Conclusion: New Adult Fantasy? Gimme more!

And then came the second part... thank the writing gods! I can't believe it but this story is getting better and better.

Noon is assigned a case in the field. This time, she will have to deal with the real possibility of judging and executing a demon if found at fault. For that daunting purpose, she takes to the road so to speak in the company of a very interesting threesome.

- companion number one: Ari, attractive and powerful Magister-in-Training

- companion number two: Delgato, a sea captain that will help with Noon's training

- companion number three: a Guardian Angel

Oh, Ari, you know I love you and all, but you have a good/bad/impossible-to-beat rival in that bad-ass Angel Raphael.

Yes, there is a number four in that thrilling gang but this funny character and its adorable pet work on a different level.

The very first chapter is impressive. It sets the foreboding tone for the rest of the plot. Noon has to face her worst challenge. Kill or renounce the obligation and risk it all? The ceremony in which she has to choose an Angel as protector is magnificently solemn and astoundingly funny.

I still love Noon's wonderfully sardonic sense of humour. She's sensitive, cautious, smart, but then she goes boom with sudden bursts of power and frustrated self-restrain and imposed rules. She's always struggling with her inner morals that clash against the world she lives in. And she's so exotic but humane and relatable at the same time. I have to love her.

So Noon embarks on this journey that will be her baptism of fire, literally. Even though the journey takes a lot of space in the story, it's far from static in terms of plot. Actually, it's choke full of action, magic, hellish adventure and character development. And some heart-wrenching moments. And then the party gets to its final destination and all the mystery and questions come together in an ending that feels like fireworks. OMG, the things that happen. They're huge and mind-blowing and I'm trembling with anticipation for the third book.


Dark Light of Day 

Noon Onyx

Book 1

Jill Archer

Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Ace
Date of Publication: September 25, 2012
Cover Artist: David Palumbo
Noon Onyx has been accepted into the prestigious St. Lucifer’s Law School where her mother hopes she’ll be trained as a Maegester. But Noon doesn’t want to control demons, set fires, or destroy things. She wants to become a Mederi so she can grow gardens and heal people.
Noon's best friend, Peter Aster, is an Angel spellcaster who thinks he has the answer to Noon's predicament - an ancient, mysterious, lost spell that can turn Noon into the Mederi she always wanted to be. Only one person stands in the way of Noon's dream - Ari Carmine, a fellow classmate who seems fascinated by Noon's fiery side. 

Fiery Edge of Steel
Noon Onyx
Book 2
Jill Archer

Genre: Fantasy

Publisher: Ace

Date of Publication: May 28, 2013

Cover Artist: Jason Chan

Noon Onyx is the first woman in memory to wield waning magic. Her unique abilities, paired with a lack of control and reluctance to kill, have branded her as an outsider from her peers. Only her powerful lover, Ari Carmine, and a roguish and mysterious Angel, Rafe Sinclair, support her unconventional ways.
When Noon is shipped off to a remote outpost to investigate several unusual disappearances, it seems Luck is not on her side. But when the outpost settlers claim that an ancient and evil foe has stepped out of legend to commit the crimes, Noon realizes that she could be facing something much worse than she ever imagined…

About Jill Archer

Jill Archer writes dark, genre-bending fantasy from rural Maryland. Her novels include Dark Light of Day, Fiery Edge of Steel, and White Heart of Justice. She loves cats, coffee, books, movies, day tripping, and outdoor adventuring. 



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