La autora Jill Archer era una desconocida para mí hasta hace
poco. Su trilogía no existía en mi radar. Cuando vi las portadas y leí las
sinopsis, sentí cierta atracción pues la fantasía y la magia son importantes en
mi carrera lectora. Aún así, no hubo ningún terremoto, no se produjo ninguna
comunión cósmica. Nada vaticinaba lo que iba a pasar.
¿Recordáis esa sensación de leer un libro que conecta contigo
a todos los niveles y sientes la necesidad de buscar todo lo que ha escrito ese
autor? Exacto. Automáticamente, el escritor pasa a tu lista de VIPs. Se graba
tu nombre en la memoria, lees su página web en busca de noticias, sus próximos
libros tienen un sitio preferente en la cesta de la compra.
¡Soy fan de Jill Archer!
¿Pero por qué?
Porque me ha dado lo que todo lector quiere
aunque no sepa expresarlo.
¿Tenéis alguna debilidad a la hora de elegir tema de lectura? Una
de mis (muchas) debilidades es la figura de los demonios. Siempre me ha
atraído, ya sea en formato malvado (lo más usual) o algo más humanizado.
En DARK LIGHT OF DAY y FIERY EDGE OF STEEL me he encontrado con una historia muy original que mezcla
fantasía, demonología, magia y romance new
adult, algo que no me esperaba y me ha conquistado completamente. Lo que ha
hecho volar mi imaginación de las dos novelas que he leído hasta el momento es:
- una protagonista voluntariosa, sensible e inteligente
Noon procede de una familia poderosa, pero ha heredado el
poder equivocado. Su magia destructora pertenece a los hombres, ella es la
única mujer en poseerlo así que el secreto le acompaña a la escuela de Derecho
de San Lucifer. Debe declararlo antes de su vigésimo primer cumpleaños o será
una fugitiva.
- el mundo inventado por la autora está lleno de detalles
La guerra entre ángeles y demonios ocurrió hace milenios, el
resultado: los demonios ganaron. Sus descendientes tiene poderes mágicos y
conviven junto a humanos bajo el gobierno tiránico pero disciplinado de los
- el uso de la ley como parte integral de la trama
Nunca había visto que las leyes, su estudio y su aplicación
fueran un elemento tan importante en una novela de fantasía. Me ha dejado
maravillada la escuela de Derecho, donde Noon y otros abogados y magistrados
estudian asignaturas alucinantes como Pecado y Castigo, Manipulación, o Actos
Oscuros. En las aulas, los profesores proponen casos legales para su desarrollo
y aprendizaje de forma práctica por los estudiantes. Deben entrenar su poder
mágico en el caso de los magistrados, pues son los únicos capaces de someter a
los salvajes demonios cuando pierden el control (como los rogare o renegados, o
si cometen infracciones). En cuanto a los abogados, se encargan de defender a
los demonios en los litigios.
- mitología demoniaca
Los demonios son adorados como deidades que representan los
ríos, la lujuria, la mentira o la naturaleza. Me parece fascinante cómo la
autora ha insertado la figura de estos monstruos bíblicos en el folklore
primitivo. Sus personalidades psicópatas, instintivas pero también ciegamente
devotas de la ley y las normas son tan protagonistas como Noon y Ari.
- romance más allá de los besos
Noon y Ari: atracción, cautela, pero al final se compenetran,
y el resultado es un romance peligroso, sensual y conmovedor. Otra sorpresa en
una novela de fantasía. Todos los poseen poderes emiten un aura que es como una
firma que los identifica. Informa de su fuerza, pero entre Noon y Ari sirve
para que conecten emocionalmente. Es maravilloso.
- una trama enrevesada de misterio, magia, amor, ambición y
buen humor
Lo tiene todo. Hay un bellísimo romance con escenas íntimas
mientras Noon intenta integrarse en la escuela, aprender a controlar un poder
que odia, olvidar que su contacto mata lo que está vivo como las plantas o
fresco como las verduras, y elegir entre conservar su naturaleza desviada o
hallar un hechizo que la libere de él. Hay muchísimos detalles que me tenían
totalmente prendida de la lectura. La relación de Noon con su familia, la
historia de la guerra entre demonios y ángeles, las costumbres de los
territorios, la obsesión de los demonios por la ley. Hay una auténtica evolución
en Noon, en su comprensión de sí misma y de lo que tiene que afrontar. Todos
los personajes aportan más riqueza a la trama y a las interacciones y diálogos.
- una prosa de calidad
Esta mujer sabe lo que se hace. Se notan la inteligencia y la desbordante imaginación en cada frase. Además, ha invertido en la caracterización de sus personajes que, a estas alturas, son grandes amigos míos.
Las dos novelas están llenas de aventura, magia, sorpresas, reflexión y romance. Estoy deseando clavar mis garras en el tercer tomo: WHITE HEART OF JUSTICE. ¡Tengo que esperar un poco, pero valdrá la pena!
My thoughts
I was very
excited to read about a world ruled by demons. Think about it. What happens
after the Apocalypse? Nothing? A new everything? I always wondered what the
world would be like. If civilization would cease to exist or if any remnants
would be left behind. How would humanity face desolation by demons?
Jill Archer
has crafted a world in the Noon Onyx series that is not only surviving biblical
Apocalypse, but thriving in the aftermath, though in a very peculiar way.
Noon is an
aberration in her society. She has waning magic, destructive powers that are
male-born only. Forced to declare what she is capable of, Noon is sent by her
aloof mother to a school where she must become a law-enforcer to serve demons.
In the way to know herself or die in the process, she encounters blood-thirsty
creatures, exhausting cramming for law classes, secretive family issues, emotional
crossroads, and a dangerous liaison.
Wow, it's the
first time I read a fantasy book that is also sexy as hell. It's half gripping
plot, half alluring romance, and the blend is electrifying.
post-apocalyptic, demon-oriented society comes across as compelling and full of
possibilities. I was really attracted to the idea of demons wanting to be adored
and willing to listen to people's pleas to gain their favour.
Knowing Halja was full of demons was one thing.
Seeing one's brutal handiwork was quite another. (pg. 37)
This quote
helps define some of the most striking features of this world. On the one hand, it's common knowledge that
demons rule over everything and everyone. On the other hand, it's still a
gruesome and dangerous place to live where demons rule but also prey.
Great assets:
world-building, demon law and all its complex, subtle, clever ramifications.
It's a unique stance to state law cases to the students at St. Lucifer's school
for them to learn and practice how to cope with demons and Hyrkes' (ordinary
people) transgressions.
The element
of "signatures" is wonderful.
People's signatures are described akin to fire, a marble pillar or a
rotten stench. I love the idea of people giving off aspects of their strength,
power and personality through a kind of aura. The effect is really interesting.
Action is
strategically placed, the tension of one kind or another is everywhere, and the
romance is overwhelmingly addictive. There are so many things going on at the
same time. No room for boredom or indifference here! Rogue demons wreaking
havoc, mysterious disappearances, magic learning, social boundaries, love and
betrayal and secrets... everything is masterfully merged into a rich, catchy,
and emotional plot.
This book is
good, good, good. I should be used to it by now. After all, I like reading and
I've been doing so for most of my life, but whenever I get hooked on a book I
also have this feeling of surprise. It surprises me how much I like it. It's
weird. Does this happen to anyone else?
Dealing with
demons, I imagined this novel would picture them as bloodthirsty beasts. Though
there is enough of that to my heart's content, there's also a strong element of
religious devotion built around the cults to demons. It intrigues me how
territorial demons are. They symbolise a river or pregnancy, and have festivals
celebrated in their honour. That infuses an ancient, earthy, primitive and very
human flavour to their role in the community and in people's psyche. I enjoyed that very much.
7 rules to
enjoy Dark Light of Day
1 it's New
Adult Fantasy - Don't you just feel your mind tingling with the possibilities
to explore?
2 superb
world-building and story telling
3 a strong,
realistic evolution of the main character
4 gripping
take on magic
5 (utterly)
original use of law as a fantasy element
(unexpectedly) sexy romance
7 fascinating
portrait of demons
I think this
first book is a delightful, thrilling view on magic, demonology in a fantasy
setting and highly arousing romance.
New Adult Fantasy? Gimme more!
And then came the second part... thank the writing gods! I can't believe
it but this story is getting better and better.
Noon is
assigned a case in the field. This time, she will have to deal with the real
possibility of judging and executing a demon if found at fault. For that
daunting purpose, she takes to the road so to speak in the company of a very
interesting threesome.
- companion
number one: Ari, attractive and powerful Magister-in-Training
- companion
number two: Delgato, a sea captain that will help with Noon's training
- companion
number three: a Guardian Angel
Oh, Ari, you
know I love you and all, but you have a good/bad/impossible-to-beat rival in
that bad-ass Angel Raphael.
Yes, there is
a number four in that thrilling gang but this funny character and its adorable
pet work on a different level.
The very
first chapter is impressive. It sets the foreboding tone for the rest of the
plot. Noon has to face her worst challenge. Kill or renounce the obligation and
risk it all? The ceremony in which she has to choose an Angel as protector is
magnificently solemn and astoundingly funny.
I still love
Noon's wonderfully sardonic sense of humour. She's sensitive, cautious, smart,
but then she goes boom with sudden bursts of power and frustrated self-restrain
and imposed rules. She's always struggling with her inner morals that clash
against the world she lives in. And she's so exotic but humane and relatable at
the same time. I have to love her.
So Noon
embarks on this journey that will be her baptism of fire, literally. Even
though the journey takes a lot of space in the story, it's far from static in
terms of plot. Actually, it's choke full of action, magic, hellish adventure
and character development. And some heart-wrenching moments. And then the
party gets to its final destination and all the mystery and questions come together
in an ending that feels like fireworks. OMG, the things that happen. They're huge
and mind-blowing and I'm trembling with anticipation for the third book.

Dark Light of Day
Noon Onyx
Book 1
Jill Archer
Date of
Publication: September 25, 2012
Artist: David Palumbo
Noon Onyx has been accepted into the prestigious St.
Lucifer’s Law School where her mother hopes she’ll be trained as a Maegester.
But Noon doesn’t want to control demons, set fires, or destroy things. She
wants to become a Mederi so she can grow gardens and heal people.
Noon's best friend, Peter Aster, is an Angel
spellcaster who thinks he has the answer to Noon's predicament - an ancient,
mysterious, lost spell that can turn Noon into the Mederi she always wanted to
be. Only one person stands in the way of Noon's dream - Ari Carmine, a fellow
classmate who seems fascinated by Noon's fiery side.
Fiery Edge of Steel
Noon Onyx
Book 2
Jill Archer
Date of
Publication: May 28, 2013
Artist: Jason Chan
Noon Onyx is the
first woman in memory to wield waning magic. Her unique abilities, paired with
a lack of control and reluctance to kill, have branded her as an outsider from
her peers. Only her powerful lover, Ari Carmine, and a roguish
and mysterious Angel, Rafe Sinclair, support her unconventional ways.When Noon is
shipped off to a remote outpost to investigate several unusual
disappearances, it seems Luck is not on her side. But when the outpost settlers
claim that an ancient and evil foe has stepped out of legend to commit the
crimes, Noon realizes that she could be facing something much worse than she
ever imagined…
About Jill Archer
Archer writes dark, genre-bending fantasy from rural Maryland. Her novels include Dark Light of Day, Fiery Edge of Steel, and White Heart of Justice. She loves cats, coffee, books, movies, day tripping,
and outdoor adventuring.
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